Kompleet Ingglish Alfabet
(too old to reply)
2006-12-10 14:27:11 UTC
I think <a
more complete English alphabet</a> sounds Russian. Technically, there
is no English alphabet. It's Roman,
with one letter tossed in, while the Jermans and the French tossed in
accented vowels with two different takes on which vowels are similar.

I might get more radical than jays for palatal jees in my spelling with
time. That video to be is as accomodating as I've been to the
traditional order for letters. Previous work along these lines is at
<a href="http://www.mynumo.com/SherLok">, where even the font is
radical. I mean to spell out names for the letters that carry over
noise, while sticking to Roman, so the video will be something like
Ah Bay Chaw Dee Eh Fuh Guu Hai
Ih Joh Kuh Lay Am iN o
Pa Qay Ruu Sih Teh Uh Vuu Waw
Xah Yeh Zai Ay Ee Ai Oh
Uu @ Dhoh Thaw Zhee Sheh Ung

Basically, I still can't avoid spelling reform in this. The only time
the letter See represents a yuuneek sound is as a digraph "ch". The
letter kyuu never has a unique sound within the alphabet, so I assigned
it to the voiced, glottal hiss (a.k.a. the growl), which isn't,
strictly speaking, English. Xah? That's the sound in the Scottish
"loch", or the Jerman "buch". It's also the whispered variety of Qay.
Not English, but in Ingglish, it represents four different clusters of
consonants, so we don't need it for that -- better to spell them out.

If you can pronounce either Qay or Xah, then try turning your voice box
on or off. You'll hear that the growl is a voiced glottal hiss. I say
it's more complete, and perhaps not as complete as the IPA or computer
models that hav about ninety-one sounds, but it sticks to Roman
letters, and since Great Britain didn't adopt anything from Cyrillic,
there's little hope that IPA will come into common use. I could be
wrong, though. Maybe spelling reform societies in GB will gain
influence and adopt a larger font.
<a href="http://www.ecn.ab.ca/~brewhaha/">BrewJay's Babble Bin</a>
2007-01-08 09:20:59 UTC
Post by Tersen
I think <a
more complete English alphabet</a> sounds Russian. Technically, there
is no English alphabet. It's Roman,
with one letter tossed in, while the Jermans and the French tossed in
accented vowels with two different takes on which vowels are similar.
I might get more radical than jays for palatal jees in my spelling with
time. That video to be is as accomodating as I've been to the
traditional order for letters. Previous work along these lines is at
<a href="http://www.mynumo.com/SherLok">, where even the font is
radical. I mean to spell out names for the letters that carry over
noise, while sticking to Roman, so the video will be something like
Ah Bay Chaw Dee Eh Fuh Guu Hai
Ih Joh Kuh Lay Am iN o
Pa Qay Ruu Sih Teh Uh Vuu Waw
Xah Yeh Zai Ay Ee Ai Oh
Basically, I still can't avoid spelling reform in this. The only time
the letter See represents a yuuneek sound is as a digraph "ch". The
letter kyuu never has a unique sound within the alphabet, so I assigned
it to the voiced, glottal hiss (a.k.a. the growl), which isn't,
strictly speaking, English. Xah? That's the sound in the Scottish
"loch", or the Jerman "buch". It's also the whispered variety of Qay.
Not English, but in Ingglish, it represents four different clusters of
consonants, so we don't need it for that -- better to spell them out.
If you can pronounce either Qay or Xah, then try turning your voice box
on or off. You'll hear that the growl is a voiced glottal hiss. I say
it's more complete, and perhaps not as complete as the IPA or computer
models that hav about ninety-one sounds, but it sticks to Roman
letters, and since Great Britain didn't adopt anything from Cyrillic,
there's little hope that IPA will come into common use. I could be
wrong, though. Maybe spelling reform societies in GB will gain
influence and adopt a larger font.
<a href="http://www.ecn.ab.ca/~brewhaha/">BrewJay's Babble Bin</a>
2007-01-08 09:29:13 UTC
' Similar to implied release of copyrighted
' material in a creative commons
' manner on USENET, I hereby release
' http://ecn.ab.ca/~brewhaha/Kompleet_Ingglish_Alfabet.mp3
' for intact distribution. I further permit
' imitations of it to be made in the creative
' commons manner, but the commerciality of
' such recordings must be limited. You hav
' no right to make a recording of this song
' and be paid royalties for it without my
' permission, but I encourage you to perform
' it publicly, going so far as to supply
' QuickBasic karaoke in this message, which
' you may render by copying and pasting this
' into a notepad file, saving it as "alfabet.bas",
' double clicking on it, and if that doesn't make
' Windows find a suitable program to open it,
' then reading about and installing QuickBasic.
' I further permit my own recording to be
' broadcast, so I am open to addresses where
' I might submit it for such broadcasting.

' Note, length, syllable...
' Trivia: Done in fifteen notes per octave.
DATA 15,12,"Ah ",30,12,"Bay ",27,6,"Chaw "
DATA 30,6,"Dee ",22,12,"Eh ",0,3,"\"
DATA 22,12,"Fuh ",23,12,"Guu ",22,6,"Hai "
DATA 20,6,"Ih ",18,12,"Joh ",0,3,"\"
DATA 20,12,"Kuh ",22,12,"Lay ",20,6,"Am "
DATA 18,6,"In ",16,12,"Aw ",0,3,"\"
DATA 30,15,"Pah ",15,15,"Qay ",13,12,"Ruu "
DATA 0,3,"\",24,12,"Sih ",22,6,"Teh ",20,6
DATA "Uh ",18,12,"Vuu ",27,18,"Waw ",20,12
DATA "Khah ",0,3,"\",16,12,"Yeh ",20,12,"Zai "
DATA 27,6,"Ay ",22,6,"Ee ",20,9,"aI ",30,18
DATA "Oh ",22,15,"Uu ",0,3,"\",30,12,"Oo "
DATA 18,12,"Dhoh ",27,6,"Thaw ",30,6,"Zhee "
DATA 13.5,12,"Sheh ",15,12,"ung",0,12,"\"

DIM k, basis, length AS INTEGER

' Basis frequency designed for two
' channels a harmonic third apart. Someone
' with a higher voice might use "9 to 12"
' for the same ratio.
FOR basis = 6 TO 8 STEP 2
FOR k = 1 TO 44
READ note, length, karaoke
IF karaoke <> "\" THEN
PRINT karaoke;
SOUND note * basis, length
NEXT basis

' My names for the letters attach different
' vowels to the most similar consonants so
' that they will carry over noise, that being
' similar to the "phonetic alphabet" that police
' use, but one syllable.
' _______
' <a href="http://ecn.ab.ca/~brewhaha/">BrewJay's Babble Bin</a>
2007-01-08 10:43:14 UTC
' Similar to implied release of copyrighted
' material in a creative commons
' manner on USENET, I hereby release
' http://ecn.ab.ca/~brewhaha/Sound/Kompleet_Ingglish_Alfabet.mp3
' for intact distribution. I further permit
' imitations of it to be made in the creative
' commons manner, but the commerciality of
' such recordings must be limited. You hav
' no right to make a recording of this song
' and be paid royalties for it without my
' permission, but I encourage you to perform
' it publicly, going so far as to supply
' QuickBasic karaoke in this message, which
' you may render by copying and pasting this
' into a notepad file, saving it as "alfabet.bas",
' double clicking on it, and if that doesn't make
' Windows find a suitable program to open it,
' then reading about and installing QuickBasic.

' Note, length, syllable...
' Trivia: Done in fifteen notes per octave.
DATA 15,12,"Ah ",30,12,"Bay ",27,6,"Chaw "
DATA 30,6,"Dee ",22,12,"Eh ",0,3,"\"
DATA 22,12,"Fuh ",23,12,"Guu ",22,6,"Hai "
DATA 20,6,"Ih ",18,12,"Joh ",0,3,"\"
DATA 20,12,"Kuh ",22,12,"Lay ",20,6,"Am "
DATA 18,6,"In ",16,12,"Aw ",0,3,"\"
DATA 30,15,"Pah ",15,15,"Qay ",13,12,"Ruu "
DATA 0,3,"\",24,12,"Sih ",22,6,"Teh ",20,6
DATA "Uh ",18,12,"Vuu ",27,18,"Waw ",20,12
DATA "Khah ",0,3,"\",16,12,"Yeh ",20,12,"Zai "
DATA 27,6,"Ay ",22,6,"Ee ",20,9,"aI ",30,18
DATA "Oh ",22,15,"Uu ",0,3,"\",30,12,"Oo "
DATA 18,12,"Dhoh ",27,6,"Thaw ",30,6,"Zhee "
DATA 13.5,12,"Sheh ",15,12,"ung",0,12,"\"

DIM k, basis, length AS INTEGER

' Basis frequency designed for two
' channels a harmonic third apart. Someone
' with a higher voice might use "9 to 12"
' for the same ratio.
FOR basis = 6 TO 8 STEP 2
FOR k = 1 TO 44
READ note, length, karaoke
IF karaoke <> "\" THEN
PRINT karaoke;
SOUND note * basis, length
NEXT basis

' My names for the letters attach different
' vowels to the most similar consonants so
' that they will carry over noise, that being
' similar to the "phonetic alphabet" that police
' use, but one syllable.
' _______
' <a href="http://ecn.ab.ca/~brewhaha/">BrewJay's Babble Bin</a>
