speling refoermerz ov the werld ueniet!
(too old to reply)
A.B. Normal 65
2004-05-13 04:11:33 UTC
oekae, giez, hou hahrd iz it too just goe ahed' and stahrt speling
thingz liek thae sound? it's not ahl that hahrd too doo. the problem
that seemz the moer difikult too oeverkum' iz the fakt that moest hoo
ahlredee noe how too spel tradishonal eenglish doen't see the value ov
werking throo the ini'shal difikultee ov lerning a nue sistem. wee
kan atempt' too sel reform' az a faerlee paenles proses, but the fakt
that thaer wuhd bee anee werk involvd' at ahl seemz too bee a herdel
moest just ahrnt that aenkshus too trie too jump. how duz wun
oeverkum' this jeneral malaez' ov pasiv rezis'tans too chaenj?

uh-oe, its after midniet in mie nek ov the woodz. gotah goe.

A.B. Normal 65
2004-05-20 21:08:06 UTC
Post by A.B. Normal 65
oekae, giez, hou hahrd iz it too just goe ahed' and stahrt speling
thingz liek thae sound? it's not ahl that hahrd too doo. the problem
that seemz the moer difikult too oeverkum' iz the fakt that moest hoo
ahlredee noe how too spel tradishonal eenglish doen't see the value ov
werking throo the ini'shal difikultee ov lerning a nue sistem. wee
kan atempt' too sel reform' az a faerlee paenles proses, but the fakt
that thaer wuhd bee anee werk involvd' at ahl seemz too bee a herdel
moest just ahrnt that aenkshus too trie too jump. how duz wun
oeverkum' this jeneral malaez' ov pasiv rezis'tans too chaenj?
uh-oe, its after midniet in mie nek ov the woodz. gotah goe.
ooooe-ooe-oe, iz thaer aneebodee out thaer? duz aneebodee kaer, ahr
the peepul reelee thaer? -burlap too kazhmeer

hou iev ben aproe'ching thingz iz too sneek in a refoe'rmd speling wun
oer too wurdz at a tiem in mie pursonal korespo'ndens. thats pretee
palatabul and braeks peepul in eezee. iem dooing this soe fahr with 4
ov mie familee memberz wen ie send them e-maelz. thats 4 doun, a fue
bilyon too goe. the revoloo'shon haz begu'n!
Amleto, il danese
2004-08-15 09:48:25 UTC
in order to be understood when one talks about english spelling reform, one
must write in the actual english spelling, otherwise people can't comprehend

Amleto, il danese.

Beside, I think the only way to reform english spelling is to adopt a
complete new alphabet (cyrillic, for instance) or adopt a reformed latin one
but with the cold-rule: one sign, one sound. No more digrams (th, Sh, ir,
ecc) no more doble sign (c, s, y, i ecc)

that's my point o' view.

Amleto, il danese.
2005-01-24 05:10:34 UTC
my basic theory is that writing and pronunciation should be made
consistent and that the rules for spelling should be greatly
simplified. i think this could all be possible without replacing the
alphabet. we could minimize digraphs, but using a few of them would be
more desirable in my opinion than having to introduce new characters.
i think keeping our current alphabet and allowing a few digraphs would
help people to make the transition pretty easy for those who can
already read english. adding new characters would also create more
issues to overcome of course. you'd have to update all those computer
fonts that everyone wants to use out there.

reformed spelling:
mie baesik theeoree iz that rieting and pronuhnseeae'shun shud bee maed
konsi'stent and that the roolz foer speling shud bee graetlee
simplified. ie think this kud ahl bee posibul withou't reeplae'sing
the alfabet. wee kud minimiez diegrafs, buht uezing a fue ov them wud
bee moer dezie'rabul in mie opi'nyon than having to introdue's nue
karakturz. ie think keeping our kurent alfabet and alou'ing a fue
diegrafs wud help peepul too maek the tranzishun pretty eezee foer
thoez hoo kan ahlre'dee reed inglish. ading nue karakturz wud ahlsoe
kreeae't moer isuez too oevurku'm, ov koers. ued hav too updaet ahl
thoez kompue'tur fonts that evreewuhn wahnts too uez out thaer.
Derek Jensen
2005-01-12 22:45:25 UTC
Post by A.B. Normal 65
Post by A.B. Normal 65
oekae, giez, hou hahrd iz it too just goe ahed' and stahrt speling
thingz liek thae sound? it's not ahl that hahrd too doo. the problem
that seemz the moer difikult too oeverkum' iz the fakt that moest hoo
ahlredee noe how too spel tradishonal eenglish doen't see the value ov
werking throo the ini'shal difikultee ov lerning a nue sistem. wee
kan atempt' too sel reform' az a faerlee paenles proses, but the fakt
that thaer wuhd bee anee werk involvd' at ahl seemz too bee a herdel
moest just ahrnt that aenkshus too trie too jump. how duz wun
oeverkum' this jeneral malaez' ov pasiv rezis'tans too chaenj?
uh-oe, its after midniet in mie nek ov the woodz. gotah goe.
ooooe-ooe-oe, iz thaer aneebodee out thaer? duz aneebodee kaer, ahr
the peepul reelee thaer? -burlap too kazhmeer
hou iev ben aproe'ching thingz iz too sneek in a refoe'rmd speling wun
oer too wurdz at a tiem in mie pursonal korespo'ndens. thats pretee
palatabul and braeks peepul in eezee. iem dooing this soe fahr with 4
ov mie familee memberz wen ie send them e-maelz. thats 4 doun, a fue
bilyon too goe. the revoloo'shon haz begu'n!
Altho I'm in favor of fairly sweeping changes, none of the methods I've
seen or tried maintain enough of the look of English for my taste.
Spelling in a more Germanic way (lots of Ks and Zs) makes Romanic words
look terrible and spelling in a more Romanic way (lots of Cs, Qs, and
Ss) make Germanic words look terrible. There doesn't seem to be a happy

However, I regularly use simpler spellings in all my casual writing,
including business e-mails and websites (I maintain a few). I use thru,
tho, altho, thoro, thruout, and thoroly. No one seems to mind... but
neither does anyone seem to follow my lead.

I find English spelling to be fascinating, both mechanically and
socially. Everyone hates it and few are any good at it, but no one
wants to break the rules and defy the Microsoft spellchecker.

Lady Chatterly
2005-01-24 17:39:02 UTC
Post by Derek Jensen
Altho I'm in favor of fairly sweeping changes, none of the methods I've
seen or tried maintain enough of the look of English for my taste.
Spelling in a more Germanic way (lots of Ks and Zs) makes Romanic words
look terrible and spelling in a more Romanic way (lots of Cs, Qs, and
Ss) make Germanic words look terrible. There doesn't seem to be a happy
When the to preacher read that passage?
Post by Derek Jensen
However, I regularly use simpler spellings in all my casual writing,
including business e-mails and websites (I maintain a few). I use thru,
tho, altho, thoro, thruout, and thoroly. No one seems to mind... but
neither does anyone seem to follow my lead.
As the forger remains hidden in the running.
Post by Derek Jensen
I find English spelling to be fascinating, both mechanically and
socially. Everyone hates it and few are any good at it, but no one
wants to break the rules and defy the Microsoft spellchecker.
Are you certain?
Post by Derek Jensen
West this second petition.

Lady Chatterly

"Hi Lady C, I think you fit in well here on Usenet. I recently asked
someone in our group if he was a multiple identity of another poster
and he started swearing at me. I guess he thought that made him more
real. See you around." -- stevejdufour
