lets taek it too the nekst level
(too old to reply)
A.B. Normal 65
2004-02-26 18:21:20 UTC
wiel wee advokats ov english speling refoerm wurk out the deetaelz ov
wat a guhd refoerm wil luhk liek wee shuhd ahlsoe bee konsidering a
reealistik plan ov atak too implement sed refoerm. ied sae that a
reealistik proses shuhd involv lots ov peepl reprezenting manee divers
bakgrounds and segments ov the jeneral english-speeking popuelaeshon.
the input ov manee peepl az wel az thaer "bie-in" ie think wuhd bee ov
vietal impoertans too see anee hoep ov long-term sukses.

oe, speeking ov debaet. ie waz pondering wether oer not the "shwah"
sound shuhd bee reflekted moer often in mie refoermd spelingz. thus
fahr ie hav ben hezitaeting too replaes unstresd shoert vouelz with a
shwah eeven wen thear shoen that wae in the pronunseeaeshon keez ov
the dikshonaeree. ie hav hezitaeted foer several reezonz. foer wun,
ie hav ben fiending that just about anee chaenj from tradishonal
speling bringz about opozishon from somwun. foer this reezon ie hav
ben luhking kaerfulee at eech chaenj that iem tempted too maek and
tended too keep the tradishonal speling if the standard
pronunseeaeshon iz faerlee kloes. tieing sliet chaenjez in
pronunseeaeshon too a speling refoerm kuhd turn out too bee a
wurthwiel kompromiez. wat doo ue giez think? iem thinking ov trieing
too goe in the other direkshon foer awiel and eksperimenting with
uezing a short "u" az a shwah in sum kaesez and see hou that goez. ie
kan see proez and konz too eether aproech soe ie sertanlee see it az a
debaetabl ishue.

A.B. Normal 65
2004-02-27 03:57:44 UTC
Post by A.B. Normal 65
wiel wee advokats ov english speling refoerm wurk out the deetaelz ov
wat a guhd refoerm wil luhk liek wee shuhd ahlsoe bee konsidering a
reealistik plan ov atak too implement sed refoerm. ied sae that a
reealistik proses shuhd involv lots ov peepl reprezenting manee divers
bakgrounds and segments ov the jeneral english-speeking popuelaeshon.
the input ov manee peepl az wel az thaer "bie-in" ie think wuhd bee ov
vietal impoertans too see anee hoep ov long-term sukses.
oe, speeking ov debaet. ie waz pondering wether oer not the "shwah"
sound shuhd bee reflekted moer often in mie refoermd spelingz. thus
fahr ie hav ben hezitaeting too replaes unstresd shoert vouelz with a
shwah eeven wen thear shoen that wae in the pronunseeaeshon keez ov
the dikshonaeree. ie hav hezitaeted foer several reezonz. foer wun,
ie hav ben fiending that just about anee chaenj from tradishonal
speling bringz about opozishon from somwun. foer this reezon ie hav
ben luhking kaerfulee at eech chaenj that iem tempted too maek and
tended too keep the tradishonal speling if the standard
pronunseeaeshon iz faerlee kloes. tieing sliet chaenjez in
pronunseeaeshon too a speling refoerm kuhd turn out too bee a
wurthwiel kompromiez. wat doo ue giez think? iem thinking ov trieing
too goe in the other direkshon foer awiel and eksperimenting with
uezing a short "u" az a shwah in sum kaesez and see hou that goez. ie
kan see proez and konz too eether aproech soe ie sertanlee see it az a
debaetabl ishue.
heer'z u refoermd speling uv thu Loerd's praer. ie'm goeing too trie
treeting thee unstresd shoert vouelz difrentlee this tiem. ie'l bee
uezing thu letur "u" too signifie thu shwah sound waer uproepreeut:

our Fahthur, wich ahrt in heven. haloewed bee Thie naem. Thie
kingdum kum, Thie wil bee dun on urth az it iz in heven. giv us this
dae our daelee bred, and forgiv us our trespasez az wee forgiv thoez
hoo trespas agenst us. and leed us not intoo temptaeshun, but delivur
us frum evul. foer Thien iz thu kingdum, and thu pour, and thu
gloeree foerevur and evur. ahmen. (oer "aemen" if uer frum thu
southeesturn u.s., liek mee)
