sahlm 22
(too old to reply)
A.B. Normal 65
2004-02-25 03:25:07 UTC
ok, heerz the hoel thing with a fue korekshonz. enjoy!

this sahlm (sahlm 22, nkjv) waz riten bie king daevid hundredz ov
yeerz beefoer croosifikshun waz invented bie the roemanz. it
profetiklee deskriebz in deetael the sufering ov Jeezus the Mesieah
centuereez beefoer the events tuhk plaes...

Mie God, Mie God, wie hav Ue foersaeken Mee?
wie ahr Ue soe fahr from helping Mee,
and from the werdz ov Mie groening?
Mie God, Ie crie in the daetiem, but Ue doo not heer;
and in the niet seezon, and am not sielent.

but Ue ahr heolee,
enthroend in the praezez ov izrahel.
our fahtherz trusted in Ue;
thae trusted, and Ue deliverd them.
thae kried too Ue, and wer deliverd;
thae trusted in Ue, and wer not ashaemd.

but ie am a werm, and noe man;
a reproech ov men, and despiesd bie the peepl.
ahl thoez hoo see Mee ridikuel Mee;
thae shoot out the lip, thae shaek the hed, saeing,
"Hee trusted in the Loerd, let Him reskue Him;
let Him deliver Him, sins Hee deliets in Him!"

but Ue ahr Hee hoo tuhk Mee out ov the woom;
Ue maed Mee trust wiel on Mie motherz brests.
Ie waz kast upon Ue from berth.
from Mie motherz woom Ue hav ben Mie God.
bee not fahr from Mee,
foer trubl iz neer;
foer thaer iz nun too help.

manee buhlz hav surounded Mee;
strong buhlz ov bashan hav enserkld Mee.
thae gaep at Mee with thaer mouthz,
liek a raejing and roering lieon.

Ie am poerd out liek water,
and ahl Mie boenz ahr out ov joynt;
Mie hahrt iz liek wax;
it haz melted within Mee.
Mie strength iz dried up liek a potsherd,
and Mie tung klingz too Mie jawz;
Ue hav brot Mee too the dust ov deth.

foer dogz hav surounded Mee;
the kongregashun ov the wiked haz enkloezd Mee.
thae peersd Mie handz and Mie feet;
Ie kan kount ahl Mie boenz.
thae luhk and staer at Mee.
thae divied Mie gahrments among them,
and foer Mie cloething thae kast lots.

but Ue, oe Loerd, doo not bee fahr from Mee;
oe Mie Strength, haesen too help Mee!
deliver Mee from the soerd,
Mie preshus lief from the pouer ov the dog.
saev Mee from the lieonz mouth
and from the hoernz ov the wield oxen!

Ue hav anserd Mee.

Ie wil deklaer Uer naem too Mie brethren;
in the midst ov thee asemblee Ie wil praez Ue.
ue hoo feer the Loerd, praez Him!
all ue desendants ov jaekob, gloerifie Him,
and feer Him, ahl ue ofspring ov izrahel!
foer Hee haz not despiezd noer abhoerd thee aflikshon ov the aflikted;
noer haz Hee hiden Hiz faes from Him;
but wen Hee kried too Him, Hee herd.

Mie praez shal bee ov Ue in the graet asemblee;
Ie wil pae Mie vouz befoer thoez hoo feer Him.
the poor shal eet and bee satisfied;
thoez hoo seek Him wil praez the Loerd.
let uer hahrt liv foerever!

ahl the endz ov the wurld
shal remember and turn too the Loerd,
and ahl the famileez ov the naeshonz
shal wurship befoer Ue.
foer the kingdom iz the Loerd's,
and hee roolz oever the naeshonz.

ahl the prosperus ov the erth
shal eet and wurship;
ahl thoez hoo goe doun too the dust
shal bou befoer Him,
eeven hee hoo cannot keep himself aliev.

a posteritee shal serv Him.
it wil bee rekounted ov the Loerd too the next jeneraeshon,
thae wil cum and deklaer Hiz rietchusnes too a peepl hoo wil bee
that Hee haz dun this.
A.B. Normal 65
2004-03-02 23:34:49 UTC
Wow, isn't that an amazing Psalm? I just saw "The Passion of The
Christ" the other day and that makes this Psalm really come alive.
The writing of this Psalm centuries before Jesus fulfilled it
certainly is compelling evidence. Wow, I think it's pretty amazing!
Mel Gibson's movie is amazing too, in my opinion. It really helps me
see God's love knowing that He went through all that to save us!


wou, izn't that un umaezing sahm? ie just saw "thu pashun uv thu
Kriest" thee uthur dae and that maeks this sahm reelee kum uliev. thu
rieting uv this sahm senchureez befoer Jeezus fuhlfild it surtunlee iz
kumpeling evidens. wou, ie think it's pretee umaezing! mel gibsun'z
moovee iz umaezing too, in mie upinyun. it reelee helps mee see God'z
luv noeing that Hee went throo ahl that too saev us!

Post by A.B. Normal 65
ok, heerz the hoel thing with a fue korekshonz. enjoy!
this sahlm (sahlm 22, nkjv) waz riten bie king daevid hundredz ov
yeerz beefoer croosifikshun waz invented bie the roemanz. it
profetiklee deskriebz in deetael the sufering ov Jeezus the Mesieah
centuereez beefoer the events tuhk plaes...
Mie God, Mie God, wie hav Ue foersaeken Mee?
wie ahr Ue soe fahr from helping Mee,
and from the werdz ov Mie groening?
Mie God, Ie crie in the daetiem, but Ue doo not heer;
and in the niet seezon, and am not sielent.
but Ue ahr heolee,
enthroend in the praezez ov izrahel.
our fahtherz trusted in Ue;
thae trusted, and Ue deliverd them.
thae kried too Ue, and wer deliverd;
thae trusted in Ue, and wer not ashaemd.
but ie am a werm, and noe man;
a reproech ov men, and despiesd bie the peepl.
ahl thoez hoo see Mee ridikuel Mee;
thae shoot out the lip, thae shaek the hed, saeing,
"Hee trusted in the Loerd, let Him reskue Him;
let Him deliver Him, sins Hee deliets in Him!"
but Ue ahr Hee hoo tuhk Mee out ov the woom;
Ue maed Mee trust wiel on Mie motherz brests.
Ie waz kast upon Ue from berth.
from Mie motherz woom Ue hav ben Mie God.
bee not fahr from Mee,
foer trubl iz neer;
foer thaer iz nun too help.
manee buhlz hav surounded Mee;
strong buhlz ov bashan hav enserkld Mee.
thae gaep at Mee with thaer mouthz,
liek a raejing and roering lieon.
Ie am poerd out liek water,
and ahl Mie boenz ahr out ov joynt;
Mie hahrt iz liek wax;
it haz melted within Mee.
Mie strength iz dried up liek a potsherd,
and Mie tung klingz too Mie jawz;
Ue hav brot Mee too the dust ov deth.
foer dogz hav surounded Mee;
the kongregashun ov the wiked haz enkloezd Mee.
thae peersd Mie handz and Mie feet;
Ie kan kount ahl Mie boenz.
thae luhk and staer at Mee.
thae divied Mie gahrments among them,
and foer Mie cloething thae kast lots.
but Ue, oe Loerd, doo not bee fahr from Mee;
oe Mie Strength, haesen too help Mee!
deliver Mee from the soerd,
Mie preshus lief from the pouer ov the dog.
saev Mee from the lieonz mouth
and from the hoernz ov the wield oxen!
Ue hav anserd Mee.
Ie wil deklaer Uer naem too Mie brethren;
in the midst ov thee asemblee Ie wil praez Ue.
ue hoo feer the Loerd, praez Him!
all ue desendants ov jaekob, gloerifie Him,
and feer Him, ahl ue ofspring ov izrahel!
foer Hee haz not despiezd noer abhoerd thee aflikshon ov the aflikted;
noer haz Hee hiden Hiz faes from Him;
but wen Hee kried too Him, Hee herd.
Mie praez shal bee ov Ue in the graet asemblee;
Ie wil pae Mie vouz befoer thoez hoo feer Him.
the poor shal eet and bee satisfied;
thoez hoo seek Him wil praez the Loerd.
let uer hahrt liv foerever!
ahl the endz ov the wurld
shal remember and turn too the Loerd,
and ahl the famileez ov the naeshonz
shal wurship befoer Ue.
foer the kingdom iz the Loerd's,
and hee roolz oever the naeshonz.
ahl the prosperus ov the erth
shal eet and wurship;
ahl thoez hoo goe doun too the dust
shal bou befoer Him,
eeven hee hoo cannot keep himself aliev.
a posteritee shal serv Him.
it wil bee rekounted ov the Loerd too the next jeneraeshon,
thae wil cum and deklaer Hiz rietchusnes too a peepl hoo wil bee
that Hee haz dun this.